Who Are We?

The Bivocational and Small Church Leadership Network is a non-profit ministry organization dedicated to the advancement of bivocational and smaller membership church pastors and leaders across America resulting in mission focused churches characterized by passionate pastors, engaged senior adults, maturing members, and connected youth. What does that look like?:

  • Mission-focused Churches – Churches that are strong in evangelism, ministry and missions at home and abroad

  • Passionate Pastors – Pastors who are excited and prepared to lead their church into the purpose God has designed for it to accomplish

  • Engaged Senior Adults – Senior adults who have moved off of the sidelines and back into the game by using their gifts and talents to impact their church and community

  • Maturing Members – Church members who are not just pew-sitters but are growing daily into Christ-likeness

  • Connected Youth – Youth who do not drop out of church after high school but who are connected to their church in leadership positions and church involvement


Who may benefit from the BSCLN?

83% of all Southern Baptist churches report a Sunday School attendance of fewer than 125, most of these churches have bivocational pastors. Other evangelical denominations report similar statistics. This is the target audience of the BSCLN.